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Making your Auditions Muscle Memory

Writer: Faith Hibbs-ClarkFaith Hibbs-Clark

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

By Faith Hibbs-Clark, CMFA Founder

Audition muscle memory is the act of committing specific audition communication formulas into memory  through precise repetition. While your muscles themselves can’t actually  remember anything, the neural pathways in your brain can. 

Do you want to train your brain to have audition muscle memory?

Let's talk about the human brain for a moment. When you learn something new your brain forms new connections and neurons and makes existing neural pathways stronger or weaker. Your brain will continue changing your entire life, and the more you LEARN, the more your brain will change and the more “moldable” it will be. This is called neuroplasticity.

When you review or practice something, dendrites actually grow between nerve cells in the network that holds that memory in your brain. Each time you review that learning, the mental exercise of that will increase stimulation in the connections between nerve cells. This is what some refer to as "muscle memory."

The real beauty of this phenomenon is that the action can become automatic so that each time you perform the behavior, it becomes easier and easier for the brain to process it. Eventually, you will barely think about it. It will come to you naturally and intuitively.

Train your brain to have more "bookable" performances on a consistent basis at every audition!

Faith is a body language expert who specialized in deception detection before becoming a casting director and working in the film industry for over 25 years. She is the founder of the Communication Method for Actors, LLC & the creator of the Acting Science Method ™. 

I would like to show you how to improve your audition booking ratio. I have others to do it and I can teach you too.

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